Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I wanted my mommy!

Today I want to be very transparent. I'm going to give you a brief look into my greatest fear. Please keep the children out of the room as you read this and if you are under 18 you may need to hit the "Esc" button on your computer now. Here goes...

I went to the dentist today! Whew this is going to be tough... there was a sweet little lady that took me back to "the chair" (very appropriately named, don't you think) and told me just relax and stop crying.

But hey, you know what? They did have a DVD of "The Andy Griffith Show" and it just happened to be playing one of my favorite episodes. You remember the one where Barney buys a car from Mrs. Lesh? BUT THEN TERROR!!!!

Just as I was getting into the DVD and had just about stopped with the sobbing heaves, the very nice soft spoken young lady came in and told me to relax... let go of her arm... and let her take the temporary crown out. At that point she put some channel-locks in my mouth and started TWISTING!

Dental Asst.: I know this must be a little uncomfortable for you.

Heavy D: Really... what was your first clue? Was it the screaming like a little girl or the tears rolling down my rosy red cheeks?!?!?!

Well, that left this nub of a tooth/exposed root unprotected and that precious little masochist of a dental asst. decides to rinse it with COLD water!

Dental Asst.: Oh Mr. Heavy D, I know that must hurt... but you don't have to use language like that.

Heavy D: (shivering and drawing into the fetal position) sorry. Nothing personal...

Then they stuck this "Crown" in my mouth. Do you know what a crown is made of? Metal covered with porcelain to make it resemble a tooth. So let me describe for you what it felt like as they placed this metal thing on this practically exposed nerve and pressed down.

Go to you kitchen, open the drawer and get out a stainless steel spoon... good. Now put it in your mouth between your teeth... good. Now CHEW IT!!! Yea, awful huh!

Look man, that's the stuff nightmares are made of!! That is my greatest fear!!! I could have sworn I heard that dental asst cackling like some satanic mistress of the night during the whole thing!

Thanks for letting me share that... a real break through.

Heavy D

PS - How am I doing now? Great never felt better... thanks for asking.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

He Who Laughs Lasts...

Okay, for my many, many followers (4 to be exact)... I know it has been about a month since my last post. The fact is I just didn't have anything to say (stop it... I hear what you are thinking). But today I wish to share with you a positive thought.

In this time of turmoil in our country. A time when we have been as unsure about the future direction of our nation. The overwhelming shadow of discouragement can set in on our personal lives as well as our public lives. The wave of discouragement is unrelenting my friend, "it's like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli..." Seinfeld fans will get that... all others just hang in there. My encouragement for you today is... give up.

Yes, give up!

Quit trying to find person satisfaction in the things that bring you pleasure. Sounds crazy I know. Goes against everything society has taught us. But the one thing I know is that true satisfaction doesn't come from things that bring me pleasure. When you get on a roller coaster and start that slow mechanical climb to the top of the first hill, everything is great! The anticipation of what is to come makes you forget about everything (well, except maybe that footlong chili dog with cheese extra onions and a large coke you had while waiting in line). But inevitably... about 90 seconds later... you pull back into the "cattle gates" and you think "aaawww that's it?" That is the way you feel when you depend on pleasures for satisfaction. You have to run to the next one before that sinking feeling of reality hits again.

You also need to quit trying to satisfaction in people/relationships. Over the last several months I have had bouts with discouragement. Depression? Naw I don't think it came to that... I never wanted to cocoon away and dry up. But there have been times that I've wanted to throw in the towel. My job is very rewarding at times and very disappointing too. I tell people I get to see the best in people and the worst in people... sometimes all in the same day! But I've had to be reminded that the satisfaction I get from doing my job should not be based on people. People will let you down. They will stab you in the back with one hand while patting you on the back with the other. They will lie to you, gossip about you, and dump on you... and that's just the christians!HA

No... lasting satisfaction does not come from the outside. It comes from within. Satisfaction is delivered direct mail from the throne of Heaven to the heart of man (and woman). So we have to give up so God can put in.


Monday, August 3, 2009

"Born To Be Wild"

Can't you just hear Steppenwolf belting out that old 1968 classic in your mind? It's the anthem of the "rebel" in all of us... some of us have a little more in us than others. Yes I'm talking to you!

Believe it or not I think Christians were "born (again) to be wild". First let's look at the history behind it. The earliest Christians were completely radical in philosophy and doctrine when it came to belief in God. They completely blew out the traditional Jewish mindset by acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Messiah... one the Jews were still looking for... and many to this day aren't convinced that Jesus was who He said He was.

Which brings up another point... Jesus was quite the rebel Himself. The Jews thought the Messiah would come as a king, royalty! Or at the very least a strong military figure to stamp out the oppressive gentiles. Instead, Jesus defied conventional thinking and came into this world penniless and completely dependent on His parents to feed and clothe Him. Then there was that time Jesus went all "Jackie Chan" on those guys in the temple! Yep, Jesus was a bonafide rebel if there ever was one.

Fast forward to the here and now...

Christians are not here to "play it safe". God gets no glory from the struggle for mediocrity! Normal has never impressed God. I think it's completely appropriate for us to be radical enough to step out of the "mediocre" life the average christian lives and start striving for excellence!

How do we do this? I'm thrilled that you have asked!
1) Don't be afraid to take risks - We have become so afraid of failure that we've quit trying. When my son was six years old he played tee-ball. But the funny thing about this was that they didn't keep score. I asked them why? Who plays a game and doesn't keep score? I asked the "powers that be" and they said, "we don't want to make the losing team feel like they failed." Of all the lilly livered, sissy-fied rules.
Folks, failure is not the end of the world. It makes you stronger! Sure it may bruise your pride a bit but you won't die from failure... well unless you are a paratooper. I've always said I'd rather God find me trying something and failing than doing nothing at all.

2) Don't worry about what other people say or think. Other Christians will look at those who step out on faith, and take risk, and called them "Super Spiritual" or "Super Christian". Truth is they are jealous because they either don't have the faith or they are just too lazy to step out. I've learned, and am still learning, that people will do everything they can to discourage you to soothe their own conscience.

In conclusion children... "Get your motor running... get out on the highway... looking for adventure... and whatever comes our way... like a true nature's child... you born, born to be wild!



Friday, July 24, 2009

At least Needles won't be the scariest thing at the doctor's office...

Several years ago while I was in college I broke my leg and ankle. How you ask? Playing golf... but that's not important right now. So I go into the hospital for surgery and I remember the pain is pretty intense. I remember that I loved seeing the nurse come into my room with that hypodermic needle filled with the chemical nectar that would make my pain fade away. I use to be terrified of the needles, but since that time I love them. I use to hate going to the doctor but since that time I have had any reason to dread it (except that prostate exam now that I'm over 40... whoa!).

That is until now. Now that our President has come out with this health care plan, one that even he doesn't understand, I getting that nervous feeling in my stomach again. He is driving us straight down the Socialism track and from my vantage point I can see that the bridge is out! Unfortunately we have elected officials that seem to be following Obama like he's the Pied Piper. Here's a quote I read off the AP wire, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, a member of the health committee, said in a conference call with Iowa reporters. "The people of America voted for Barack Obama last year to lead this country and make changes." So I guess We should just go along with it just because it's "change"? Should we at least not look at this "change" an open mind? Senator Harkin is a prime example of one who will roll over for the party and to heck with the rest of the country! Oh, don't think I'm just harping on Democrats... Republicans have reps that do the exact same thing!

Fact is that Obama was wrong in many of his talking points on the health care bill. Here's an example from FactCheck.org, "Obama promised once again that a health care overhaul “will be paid for.” But congressional budget experts say the bills they've seen so far would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade." And here's one more, "Obama claimed his budget "reduced federal spending over the next 10 years by $2.2 trillion" compared with where it was headed before. Not true. Even figures from his own budget experts don't support that. The Congressional Budget Office projects a $2.7 trillion increase, not a $2.2 trillion cut."

Obama's philosophy seems to be "Spend It". Because he isn't going to be in the White House ten years from now, let someone else deal with the huge deficit.

And this is what scares me about the whole thing... have you seen what a sweeping success Socialized Medicine has been just north of our border? Is it any wonder why thousand of people, from Canada, each year pay extra to come to the US for surgeries that they could not get in a timely fashion in their own country? Have you ever heard of anyone going to Canada for better treatment? Doctors in Canada are notoriously under educated, under funded, and over worked. Great plan!

Where will we go when we adopt Socialism... I mean Socialized Medicine? Mexico?

It will be scary to go to the doctor again because history has shown that the level of care drops dramatically under Socialism. Want to see how great the US Gov runs health care... visit a VA hospital and look at the conditions those doctors and nurses work in. Look at the equipment they work with.

Yep, we go to socialized medicine I'm going to have to give up golf... can't risk the injury!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"And that's the way it is"... Unfortunately

Is it just me or does it seem that we have had a rash of BIG named people pass away recently? First, there was the news that Ed McMahon died. I really like him. He was one of those rare individuals that was actually willing to play "second fiddle" and I don't remember him complaining? I especially like his and Johnny's "swami" skits.

Then right on the heals of that we hear about Farrah Fawcett! Can I just say that this lady made a major impact on my pre-teen and teenage years! I had the shirt with the picture of her in the swim suit and everything. I compared all my girlfriends to her and if they didn't met the Farrah standard... away with them!

Then just a couple of days later there was Janet Jackson's brother. With all due respect to Prince... don't you think "the artist formerly known as" should have been next to Michael's name? He was one surgery away from having no nose at all. I digress...

Finally, just a couple of days ago we hear of the passing of a true American icon... Walter Cronkite. Seeing his picture again brought back more memories than any of the other three. I still remember sitting in front of the black and white TV watching as this guy broadcast some of the greatest and saddest moments in American history. But now that I am older I have realized there was something different about this man. Something that caused millions of Americans to actually trust the media. What was it? What made him different from those on the major networks today?

Cronkite reported the news. He didn't use his position as a platform to share his opinions on the the news. In his day you never heard anyone fussing about "bias in the media". He understood his job and his responsibility to those watching and just told them the truth. He didn't slant stories to fit an agenda. He was once called the "most trusted man in America" and could have been elected to any office he wanted... President Cronkite! We have the first black president today... Walter Cronkite would have been the first honest president.

But here's my confusion... Why aren't we watching hour after hour of funeral coverage? Why haven't there been the "In Memory of..." specials on every network and cable station? Yes, MJ had tremendous musical talent and I still don't understand how he did the "moon walk", but if you were to be honest you would admit that his life was like a "three ring circus"... literally. It was one disappointment after another. But we would mask it just as soon as he cut another chart topping album.

I'm not trying to disparage MJ's life, I'm trying to understand how we in this country have made such a mess of our priorities. We honor those who deserve little and we barely mention those who make a true, positive mark on our country's landscape. Cronkite was certainly not sexy and I bet he couldn't do the moon walk either. But he was never accused of molestation, never had to go into rehab, and never tried to convince me that I may be the next 10 million dollar winner! He just told me the way it is.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Twits Twitter...

This is probably going to be short and sweet. Let me start by saying... "I DON'T GET THIS TWITTER THING!" I guess my big question is "Why?".
Why do people feel the need to share what they are eating for lunch? Why do people feel the need to tell you they are driving on US RTE 39? Why do people feel they need to tell you that they are tired and headed to bed? Do they actually believe people care? Do they actually think their lives are so interesting that they must share the most trivial, dare I say idiotic, things with others?

And this next "why" really gets me.

Why are there people out there actually subscribing to this!? If you have enough time through the day to pull out your blackberry and follow some one as they take out their trash, then you are the real TWIT here. I firmly believe the if you look up the word "twittering" in the dictionary it will say... "the action of twits." Folks have we become so freakishly voyeuristic in this society that we don't feel complete if we can't see (at least electronically) that "Jimmy's taking a nap"? Are our lives that boring and our time that meaningless? Who knew That Jim Carrey movie, where his life was being watched by the outside world, would be prophetic? And quit saying the name of the movie I don't want to know...

We have bought into the lunacy that says we must have "real-time reality". I can't stand reality shows on TV. Look "John and Kate plus 8" is not reality! The only people who have 8 kids anymore are Jedediah and Sarah down on the Amish farm. Oh, and if you lock up 10 to 12 idiots with the morals of a baboon in a house for 3 months... that's not reality... it's depravity. I hate reality shows... with the exception of "The Deadliest Catch"!!! Now that is "must see TV". AMEN!

Do you remember a time just not too long ago when people were afraid of "Big Brother" (the government, not the TV show) watching from satellites hundreds of miles away? Why then are we posting our lives for everyone to see on something with a sissy name like Twitter? You just saved the gov't billions of dollars because they no longer need to build and blast the satellites, now all they need is a twitter acct.

And don't even get me started on Texting!


Monday, July 13, 2009

I begin this inaugural blog with an introduction... My name is Heavy D, no that's not my given name but trust me it would fit if you ever laid eyes on me. I'm a Christian, I'm conservative, I'm opinionated, but I'm not the type to "hate on" those who disagree with me. I look forward to using this venue as an outlet for humor, frustration, and fun. I will keep it clean and will respect any one's feedback that lend me the same respect. Oh, did I mention I'm dashingly handsome too?
This reminds me, I'M MARRIED! For 21 wonderful years to Mrs. Heavy D (yeah she's going to love that name). She is my strength when I am weak. My sounding board when I need to vent. My encouragement when I'm down. She's the wind benea... (okay, I can't finish that one, it's just stupid).
I also have two wonderful kids... one is 19 (girl), the other is 12 (boy). I have a feeling you will be hearing about them a lot in the coming blogs. They can be the apple of my eye and the thorn in my side all at the same time. Oh, did I mention I'm dashingly handsome too?
My interest are sports, football mainly and Vanderbilt Commodore Basketball (careful... don't be a hater). Also family, and Church (I am a pastor you know).
In the blogs to come I will deal with issues involving religion, politics, sports, and all things that just jump up and down on my last nerve! Twitter... subject of the first blog... getting ready to hurt yo feelings right from the start!
Oh, did I mention I'm dash... never mind... just assume it's true.
