Friday, July 24, 2009

At least Needles won't be the scariest thing at the doctor's office...

Several years ago while I was in college I broke my leg and ankle. How you ask? Playing golf... but that's not important right now. So I go into the hospital for surgery and I remember the pain is pretty intense. I remember that I loved seeing the nurse come into my room with that hypodermic needle filled with the chemical nectar that would make my pain fade away. I use to be terrified of the needles, but since that time I love them. I use to hate going to the doctor but since that time I have had any reason to dread it (except that prostate exam now that I'm over 40... whoa!).

That is until now. Now that our President has come out with this health care plan, one that even he doesn't understand, I getting that nervous feeling in my stomach again. He is driving us straight down the Socialism track and from my vantage point I can see that the bridge is out! Unfortunately we have elected officials that seem to be following Obama like he's the Pied Piper. Here's a quote I read off the AP wire, Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, a member of the health committee, said in a conference call with Iowa reporters. "The people of America voted for Barack Obama last year to lead this country and make changes." So I guess We should just go along with it just because it's "change"? Should we at least not look at this "change" an open mind? Senator Harkin is a prime example of one who will roll over for the party and to heck with the rest of the country! Oh, don't think I'm just harping on Democrats... Republicans have reps that do the exact same thing!

Fact is that Obama was wrong in many of his talking points on the health care bill. Here's an example from, "Obama promised once again that a health care overhaul “will be paid for.” But congressional budget experts say the bills they've seen so far would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade." And here's one more, "Obama claimed his budget "reduced federal spending over the next 10 years by $2.2 trillion" compared with where it was headed before. Not true. Even figures from his own budget experts don't support that. The Congressional Budget Office projects a $2.7 trillion increase, not a $2.2 trillion cut."

Obama's philosophy seems to be "Spend It". Because he isn't going to be in the White House ten years from now, let someone else deal with the huge deficit.

And this is what scares me about the whole thing... have you seen what a sweeping success Socialized Medicine has been just north of our border? Is it any wonder why thousand of people, from Canada, each year pay extra to come to the US for surgeries that they could not get in a timely fashion in their own country? Have you ever heard of anyone going to Canada for better treatment? Doctors in Canada are notoriously under educated, under funded, and over worked. Great plan!

Where will we go when we adopt Socialism... I mean Socialized Medicine? Mexico?

It will be scary to go to the doctor again because history has shown that the level of care drops dramatically under Socialism. Want to see how great the US Gov runs health care... visit a VA hospital and look at the conditions those doctors and nurses work in. Look at the equipment they work with.

Yep, we go to socialized medicine I'm going to have to give up golf... can't risk the injury!


1 comment:

  1. Hey D, thanks for following my blog! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I see we're mutual acquaintances of Tony C. We've been reading each other's blogs for a long time now. I'm enjoying reading your thoughts here. Feel free to join the conversation anytime. God bless and happy blogging!
