Monday, July 13, 2009

I begin this inaugural blog with an introduction... My name is Heavy D, no that's not my given name but trust me it would fit if you ever laid eyes on me. I'm a Christian, I'm conservative, I'm opinionated, but I'm not the type to "hate on" those who disagree with me. I look forward to using this venue as an outlet for humor, frustration, and fun. I will keep it clean and will respect any one's feedback that lend me the same respect. Oh, did I mention I'm dashingly handsome too?
This reminds me, I'M MARRIED! For 21 wonderful years to Mrs. Heavy D (yeah she's going to love that name). She is my strength when I am weak. My sounding board when I need to vent. My encouragement when I'm down. She's the wind benea... (okay, I can't finish that one, it's just stupid).
I also have two wonderful kids... one is 19 (girl), the other is 12 (boy). I have a feeling you will be hearing about them a lot in the coming blogs. They can be the apple of my eye and the thorn in my side all at the same time. Oh, did I mention I'm dashingly handsome too?
My interest are sports, football mainly and Vanderbilt Commodore Basketball (careful... don't be a hater). Also family, and Church (I am a pastor you know).
In the blogs to come I will deal with issues involving religion, politics, sports, and all things that just jump up and down on my last nerve! Twitter... subject of the first blog... getting ready to hurt yo feelings right from the start!
Oh, did I mention I'm dash... never mind... just assume it's true.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome! I know I'll be entertained here.

    Dude, you should have used one of those Glamour Shots you had made for your 'About Me' picture.

    Go Dores!!!
