Monday, August 3, 2009

"Born To Be Wild"

Can't you just hear Steppenwolf belting out that old 1968 classic in your mind? It's the anthem of the "rebel" in all of us... some of us have a little more in us than others. Yes I'm talking to you!

Believe it or not I think Christians were "born (again) to be wild". First let's look at the history behind it. The earliest Christians were completely radical in philosophy and doctrine when it came to belief in God. They completely blew out the traditional Jewish mindset by acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Messiah... one the Jews were still looking for... and many to this day aren't convinced that Jesus was who He said He was.

Which brings up another point... Jesus was quite the rebel Himself. The Jews thought the Messiah would come as a king, royalty! Or at the very least a strong military figure to stamp out the oppressive gentiles. Instead, Jesus defied conventional thinking and came into this world penniless and completely dependent on His parents to feed and clothe Him. Then there was that time Jesus went all "Jackie Chan" on those guys in the temple! Yep, Jesus was a bonafide rebel if there ever was one.

Fast forward to the here and now...

Christians are not here to "play it safe". God gets no glory from the struggle for mediocrity! Normal has never impressed God. I think it's completely appropriate for us to be radical enough to step out of the "mediocre" life the average christian lives and start striving for excellence!

How do we do this? I'm thrilled that you have asked!
1) Don't be afraid to take risks - We have become so afraid of failure that we've quit trying. When my son was six years old he played tee-ball. But the funny thing about this was that they didn't keep score. I asked them why? Who plays a game and doesn't keep score? I asked the "powers that be" and they said, "we don't want to make the losing team feel like they failed." Of all the lilly livered, sissy-fied rules.
Folks, failure is not the end of the world. It makes you stronger! Sure it may bruise your pride a bit but you won't die from failure... well unless you are a paratooper. I've always said I'd rather God find me trying something and failing than doing nothing at all.

2) Don't worry about what other people say or think. Other Christians will look at those who step out on faith, and take risk, and called them "Super Spiritual" or "Super Christian". Truth is they are jealous because they either don't have the faith or they are just too lazy to step out. I've learned, and am still learning, that people will do everything they can to discourage you to soothe their own conscience.

In conclusion children... "Get your motor running... get out on the highway... looking for adventure... and whatever comes our way... like a true nature's child... you born, born to be wild!

